Elon Musk Buys Twitter...
My readers know that I am an advocate of free speech. I agree with Mr. Musk when he acknowledges that it is the bedrock of a functioning democracy. While I don't agree with much of what has been said by some of those who Twitter has silenced, I will defend to the death their right, as Americans, to say it. Censorship for political or social purposes is a slope to tyranny. There is a long history of Constitutional law in the U.S. that prescribes the types of speech that can be restricted. The famous "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater" is the baseline. Speech that incites violence must be prohibited. The problem is that it has been too easy to define speech we disagree with as inciting violence. I hope that Mr. Musk will change the culture of Twitter to make it more tolerant of opposing viewpoints. Like he says about Twitter, he has great potential to save the public square.