Elon Musk And SpaceX Launch Starlink For RVs.
As I prepare for my presentation on Mobile Lawyering next month at the Florida Bar Convention, with Michelle Gilbert, a new wrinkle has been added that fits in with the title of the Presentation - "Wanderlust". Aside from the desire to travel to avoid human contact during a Pandemic, I have always striven to adopt technology that allowed me to be a lawyer wherever I was. I have done legal work in hotels, motels, lobbies, airport lounges, automobiles, and many other locations around the U.S. I have transferred files from a payphone in Yosemite National Park in California. I have checked email in an Internet Cafe in Alaska, and communicated over the Internet from a Cruise Ship. Nowadays, when traveling in an RV, I use mobile Internet provided by TMobile, using a small device that provides broad band Internet speeds using the new 5G network. But, while TMobile gives me Internet in 99% of America, what about the really wild and rural parts of the country? While still pretty expensive, at $135 a month, the growing Starlink satellite system provides unlimited Internet access in most of the Western U.S. and is growing daily. I don't need it yet; but, it is clear that Starlink is the true future of Internet access for those who live in rural areas. You can get a portable dish for $599, and get great service if you are in an area being serviced. There are bumps and bruises for early adopters; but, the promise of truly universal Internet broadband access is a real thing. Starlink RV.